Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Paper Trade Part 7

Part 7....things are looking brighter by the day towards reaching my goal of outpacing the s&p500 index and the total market index. A couple of days ago I decided to close out my positions in SBUX and CSCO for a capital gain of 16% each. 

The profits I had taken several months ago from SBUX and CSCO were roughly 15-16% as well. In simple terms without taking into account dividends and not taking into account weight of positions that I added money to during a recent correct...aka assuming all things equal: 16%CSCO, 16%WMT 16%SBUX -19%GNC = 7.25% Capital Gains on the sidelines, which is more than VOO or VTI without factoring in AAPL or JPM.

AAPL appears to be heading in a positive direction and I am long JPM to head in a positive direction. I may pick up positions in a couple of more stocks if I see an opportunity. The ultimate goal is to outpace the VOO and outpace the VTI...and that is still possible even though I endured a 19% capital loss on GNC.

Until Part 8...Get Money!!!!