Friday, July 18, 2014

Power to The Investors!!!

Power to The Investors!!!

Penny Stocks (historically, not as result of a flash crash) and Binary Options are Gambling. Best of luck on ya come up! Let me how well that technical analysis over 1hr works out for ya! I do not educate on gambling.

A Trader is a Trader, but all Investors are Traders. Investors use technical analysis for entry points and we ride the volatility because of the fundamental analysis. An investor will take on Trader qualities when we hedge the volatility with Derivatives, hedge the volatility with Commodities, and hedge the volatility with Forex to increase our return. But never ever shall an Investor ignore the fundamentals for simply a quick come up!

Real World Definition: Joe Flacco may play the lottery, but he is invested in football for the long haul. He is not retiring to wheel system the mega million. He is simply hedging his future against his contract not being fulfilled….

Power to The Investors!!!

Friday, July 4, 2014

There are legitimate opportunities to make extra cash with limited skills…and on your own time to boot.

Why get an after work job in retail or struggle to write freelance articles for pennies per word? There are plenty of legitimate mystery shopping opportunities and legitimate search engine evaluator opportunities that pay a decent amount of change at your convenience. I know a lot of people struggle to find such opportunities or have been a victim of a scam…and I am here to provide you with companies that are on the up-and-up from first-hand experience.  

Mystery Shopping

Go to: and enter in all the pertinent information to conduct a search. Click on the jobs you find interesting and sign-up with the company. All of the missions listed with MSPA are legitimate. Compensation for assignments vary and landing an assignment is on a first come first serve basis. I would suggest signing up for multiple companies to have to most chances to complete assignments. Also, I suggest creating a separate email or folder from your day-to-day emails to stay organized. MSPA certifications don’t mean much as experience determines if you can land larger assignments…and there are a ton of entry-level assignments. Be sure to check out the main website for MSPA to educated your-self on some aspects, but you will ultimately be dealing with the individual mystery shop companies. It takes two months to get paid, but you do get paid! Follow the instruction on each assignment, type in proper English, and meet the deadlines….so you have nothing to worry about.

Assignments entail creating slightly detail narratives of the events and answering relevant questions.  And below are some examples of acceptable narratives that I have received pay and therefore you can get an idea of the requirements.

For a Parking assignment:
“I arrived at _____________ at 11:59am. I attempted to press the gate dispenser for a ticket, but it did not function. Then the booth attendant greeted me and provided me with a ticket. The attendant was a 40ish year old female that had shoulder length black hair, heavy-set, and brown skin.

I drove to the booth at the same place in which I entered the garage at 12:50pm to pay. The same woman I saw upon entering was at the booth. I handed her my ticket, but she could barely read the time because it was faint. The attendant asked me the time I entered for parking and I told her the ticket said 11:59am. The attendant told me the price would be $3; I gave her $10 a received correct change of $7. Then the attendant gave me a receipt and thanked me for parking.”

For a Drive-thru assignment:
"I got to Roy Rogers at 1:49pm. There was neither a message board sign nor a Roy Rogers sign in the parking lot.  The outside was in superb condition....trash dumpster closed, shrubbery was neat, and grass was neat. However, the trash bin near the drive-thru was overflowing.

I entered the line at 1:51pm. There was a car in front of me so I had to wait 38seconds to get to the speaker. The menu was functioning properly and I did not notice any spelling issues. The female that answered the speakers said, “Hi, may I take your order?” I asked for the 3piece chicken strip. The female on the speaker asked if I would like to make it a combo and I agreed and asked for a sprite to drink and fries for the side. The female asked about dessert and I declined. The female on the speaker told me my total was $6.46

Once I got to the window after waiting 3minutes and 15seconds ______ told me my total was $6.46 and I handed her $20. _______ also asked if I would like any dipping sauces and I asked for BBQ. ______ gave me correct change of $13.54. I waited an additional 2mins and 15sec for my food after getting my drink. _______ then handed me the bag with the Roy Rogers logo facing me and thanked me for my patronage.

The food was nice and hot. The chicken was nicely seasoned the fries were hot. The Sprite was mixed properly. I would recommend that Roy Rogers to anyone. “

Some mystery shops agencies pay you through PayPal while others use checks…And here is an                   example of a check:


Search Engine Evaluator

Kyle at the penny hoarder sums this position up very well:

 Due to the nature of the job I cannot give further details, but you can definitely make a few extra thousand per year that you can use to get your personal finances in order or use towards investments. And with that extra money head over to the shop so you can gain financial independence for a lifetime!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Picking a Trading Platform is NOT a Random Draw From a Hat.

Once you develop an investment strategy the next step is to choose a trading platform that gives you the best price and best research based on your needs. If you plan to be an active trader the cheapest trade commission/fees may be your best options. However, if you are a passive trader that plans to invest in ETFs for the foreseeable future a trading platform without commission on ETF’s and a trading platform without inactivity fees may be best suited for your needs.

“As much as one online broker might seem much the same as another at the most basic level, even a brief side-by-side comparison illustrates the broad diversity in costs, benefits and requirements.

Some of these services ask for as much as $5,000 minimum to open an account, on rare occasion even more. Others impose no minimum at all, allowing you to dip your toes into the investment market with however much you are comfortable risking.

Usually these brokers will look to recoup the difference in investment size by charging more per trade. Meanwhile, some online brokers are willing to offer you hundreds of free trades as you become accustomed to the interface and the nature of trading.

Some services specialize in entirely different fields - though the focus is usually on equities and direct investment in companies, options, futures and other types of derivatives are a growing field of investment even for comparatively casual traders.

Where you go, and even what you want to look for, will depend entirely upon the strategy you develop for your investments before you even start to really compare online brokers.

You should certainly look at what kinds of options you have available, so that you can use different cost structures and requirements to inform your investment strategy. But choosing a broker before you know how you plan to use their services might leave you with a strategy you aren't actually comfortable with, or a broker that's ill-suited to your strategy.

While it may take some research, investing your time now in comparing brokers will save you grief when you're actually investing money.”

I recommend as a starting point for online brokerage comparison. Also, it is good to research fees for closing an account and transferring an account just in case you need to switch brokers as your investment strategy changes or you need a different trading platform to better fit your needs.